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The PHOSTER project consists of the development of highly efficient eco-designed building integrated photovoltaic roofing units using an innovative and greener manufacturing process. The project intends to contribute strongly to the expansion and promotion of solar energy and to address climate change.

A prototype of a new universal solar steel roof envelope was designed, manufactured, installed and its power production monitored during the project’s 54-month timeframe.



5 environmental objectives

In order to support the further expansion of solar energy and to limit as much as possible its environmental impact, five environmental targets are set for the project:

  1. Reduce by up to 30% the Global Warming Potential (GWP) with respect to a framed PV module on a metal roof
  2. 15% reduction of carbon footprint and primary energy use for the manufacture of copper, indium, gallium, selenium (CIGS) modules
  3. 1.5% increase in the kWh/kWp produced
  4. Reduce the amount of rare toxic elements including the substitution of cadmium
  5. Recyclability of at least 85% (by weight) of the BIPV roofing envelope

Project Activities

Main Project Activities

  • Monitoring the environmental impact of the innovative solution and its manufacture.
  • Development of high-efficiency solar cells on steel using innovative and optimised manufacturing processes.
  • Prototyping new universal eco-designed roofing envelope and its innovative manufacturing processes.
  • Implementing two demonstrators in two different locations with different exposure to the sun. This will enable assessment under different conditions of the efficiency of the innovative green energy generation concept.


The main results achieved are:

  • The design of Phoster, an innovative solar roofing envelope using CIGS PV cells, has been completed
  • Using currently available technology Phoster can achieve reduction of up to 30 % of the Global Warming Potential with respect to a framed PV module installed on a metallic roof
  • The smart design of Phoster enables a reduction of shading on the PV surface, leading to an increase of 1,5 % of the kWh/kWp produced with respect to currently available Building Integrated PV modules on steel roofs
  • The PV cells in Phoster do not contain cadmium, a toxic element commonly used in thin-film PV cells.
  • More than 85% of Phoster can be easily recovered at the end of life and recycled.
  • Environmental monitoring is continuously performed throughout the manufacturing set-up and implemented in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to ensure optimization of environmental performance


More information about LIFE-PHOSTER
Contact : info@life-phoster.eu


Scientific publications & conferences

  • SAM10, 2016
  • avniR, 2016
  • EU PVSEC, 2016


  • 22 to 26 Janvier 2014 at EU PVsec conference in The Netherland
  • 4 to 6 June 2014 at Intersolar in Germany
  • 2 to 6 november at Batimat Paris in France
  • 19 to 24 January 2015 at Bau Munich in Germany
  • 10 to 12 June 2015 at Intersolar Europe à Munich in Germany
  • June 2015. ACCS Pilot line inauguration
  • October 2015. AMC Pilot line dissemination at Batimat
  • Conference at Salon Métamorphose – March 29th, 2017. Belgium
  • September 19th, 2017. Cluster TWEED and MecaTech in Belgium

Press releases

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About LIFE+

The European Commission is co-financing the PHOSTER project

The LIFE programme is the European Union’s financing programme for the environment. Its general aim is to contribute to the development and deployment of the EU’s environmental policy and regulation by co-funding pilot or demonstration projects with high European added value.

Read more at https://ec.europa.eu/environment/life